Thursday 21 May 2015

People have to have poison in the food because it is cheaper to produce it then - money

We - both adults and children - have small boxes with us all the time so we can communicate but also they have so much radiation that they are a health hazard - for the values ​​adjustes for the producer's needs and not for the needs of human bodies

Children's well-being is given low priority for the sake of money all the way from the one-year old left in kindergarten from 7 am until 6 pm - for the sake of money -
to school children who can not get support for there are no "resources", i.e. people who can help a child who can not manage by her own and / or is lost - for the sake of money

The green lungs of our planet are devastated - no, not just the rain forests - our own forests too - all over the globe
Yep, even Swedish forests are forests, my friends, and even those provides us with what we need to have to survive - but it is possible to make money on them ...

The list could be long ...

Money is always the highest priority
Be honest!
Certainly we need money to manage in our societies
Sure, sure ... yes I know
I am living here too
I need to eat and has family too
... but we can prioritise humans

We can make choices in life that takes power from the system
We can help each other

We have different roles in society
There are those who are sitting in positions who require responsibilities in a different way
Those who can go out and speak up
They actually are heard
They actually influences
And then there are those who may feel that they are not heard and not seen and have no opportunity to influence
Everything we do has an impact - not least on ourselves and our loved ones
Everything we feel and think affects and changes the environment

Change the view of life
Change the way you see the Earth and the humans

Imagine all this here is a dream
Nothing is impossible in a dream - right?
You can do exactly what you want to
Just like that, you can change
Everything you do affects everything
The butterfly in Japan, you know - it flap his wings and things happen around
Throw a stone into water and you will see that there will be circles 

No, it does not matter how small the stone is
What matters is that it is thrown in

Choose a stone that you can carry and so throw it into the water of life
It will make ripples on the water
It might even be big waves thanks to your stone who knows ...

Tuesday 12 May 2015

If you would have a wish ...
What would you do with your life then?
Then there is the next question
Why don't you do it?
What are the obstacles in your way?
How will you overcome them?
Can you pass?

If you could choose
Would you choose to do what you want?
Would you worry about what others think?
Would you care about their critical look?

If you know in yourself that something is the truth
that there's something you should do
Would you let yourself be stoped by others?

This is YOUR life
Live it the way you want to
There is no one twisting back the time for you
There is nothing to regret then ether for everything is as it should be

but there are decisions to make HERE and NOW

Thursday 7 May 2015

My way into the worlds began early
It just was the way
When I flew over the town so it just was that way
The difference between making it with the body or not wasn't big
It didn't matter if the body came along, it was real
The girl just understood
To separate the realms was difficult
I disappeared into myself while I was aware of everything around me
It was as if I walked into a movie
I learned that people was taken and transformed into something that is't themselves
I sat in a tipi and talked with Indians
I met friends from different cultures
I had long conversations
The explanations I got changed my world more and more
The preparation had begun
Even as a little child

As far as I can think back, I traveled and talked
Met lovely beings who knew so much
So wise
And I understood
Understood the world and what I was
In a way children do
In a way that often is forgotten as we become adults

I did not forget

'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven'
Yep just thatRight, for the kingdom of heaven is around us - we are in the middle of it and yet not
Most people find themselves completely isolated from everything but the material world we are living in
Most have forgotten
Most people have forgotten that they are a part of the kingdom of heaven
The heaven is within us and around us

When people are born, they go into obliviousness
Some are born with clarity and some of them walks on without going into obliviousness
Others are born into obliviousness and stay there

Dare to play as children do
Dare to love as children do
Children love without judging
Rather they condemn themselves than those they love

Many children are told that they are living in fantasy worlds
and to live this way is something negative
"You're just imagine!"
So hurtful and so reducing to learn that their world does not exist
That you shall forget who you are
That you shall leave your safety
That the friends you have with you may not be friends, but only ideas
What loneliness

The adults who remember how the world of childhood looked like
might not judge and they might not attack the children's world
Those who yet do so, do it out of fear
In my childhood there was no attacking

But I did not share the world with any
one else either
I just was
There was nothing to talk about
Maybe it was just obvious
Maybe it was a protection
Everyone in the family is open to the other side and all the family are living it in their own way
Nobody talked about it and it was not mentioned, it was just something that was obvious
To feel and experience was nothing strange

It was hidden and yet not
There were as a matter of course, but no one talked about it in any way to the children

Much later on, as a young adult, I was told what was experienced
Was told that it was not just me
Understood that all experienced
Grandmother who knew
Mom and Dad who saw
It was just there and nobody condemned

When I started talking about it, I met just understanding and "Yes, what fun!"
What fun you are working with healing
What fun you see
What fun you experience

This reaction I would wish to anyone who goes this way
All of us who are different shall have the right to be that
Everyone should be treated with respect and acceptance
Unfortunately it is not like that

Just those you love, those who are close, often are those who understand even less
Perhaps because it is frightening to live with someone who sees
Perhaps because it is frightening to imagine the power behind that person
Maybe because it implies a different way also for themselves
Maybe because there are own memories conscious or unconscious of abasement and persecution of those who are different
Perhaps that is why the abasement and threats are coming
No matter why, it does hurt as much

Life goes on and so we do
People comes and goes
We are on a strange journey
When you go into the realms all will change
You enter a context that makes the world whole

Who are you?
The question may never be answered here
Does it matter?
Perhaps it is simply a fact, that certain things are not possible to understand

When you meet the friends on the other side, you start to realize that the world you lived in all your life is only a fraction of all
A small fraction only
Life on Earth is not the big thing
The thing is that we only dream earth life to experience
The experiences down here are just the big thing
The feelings that conveys a body
The emotions that only can be found on Earth

When you begin your journey into the realms that will not only change the way you look at the world
You change
Your body
Your emotions

I think back to that time when emotions were different
Emotions - I felt ... yes, a little bit ...
Today I experience feelings
All of me
The whole body is full of experience
Anger flashes in the body
Love burns
Betrayal hurts

That is how I feel inside people, to know what I should heal
You can't describe the differences but once you know it you will understand how little humans know
and no it's not possible to hide
On some level, we capture each other's feelings and moods
All of us
Sometimes you may not even be aware that you feel in a certain way
Only when you sense into yourself and give yourself time you can make
Give yourself time!

The rain is falling down out there
Good thing, we need rain

Nice when it comes and nice when the sun shines again
... right?

When people go into their down periods it is rather the same thing
I would think so anyway
Well then, even though I myself go down in a valley I appreciate the depth

It is quite simple to explain
I work with my own personal development
Full time
Not only fulltime job, but all the time
It's what I do

How do I go on with this?
Yes, I find my shortcomings, my themes, the points where I get angry and I find my difficulties

Swimming on the surfaced all the time in the sunshine, I can't find things at the bottom of my memories
The hard stuff,
the difficult one
Things to heal

The thing that heals