Friday 3 February 2012

Slowly it becomes light outside. The birds are singing, although it is a white winter landscape outside the window.The energies have become lighter again. The first new moon period this year was heavy. Now it will be easier.

Reading the news makes you shaking your head at people's paths.You just have to realize that the roads are different and the goals are not the same.

Mother Earth gets much help from people all over the world. There are ceremonies and people are praying. All good thoughts will help.

I sat here yesterday and thought of writing a bit. Why? I think this blog will be more interesting in the future. There will be a kind of newscast from the other side but not the usual channeling stories.I'm not exactly angel medium :o)

My way is different. Heavier some people
says about the shaman way. Many people believes that we are more earth-bound in a heavy way. I have even heard that someone thought that shamans do not get that far up in frequency as a medium does. Yes, there are many opinions. A few really knows and many people have opinions.

What am I as a shaman and how am I and how is my world? Different, I would answer to all these questions.Shamans stand with one foot in each world someone said. How many feets have shamans, I thought :o)

Mediate from the other side is a part of my work. There are many other parts.Another one is to act in the human energy fields to help her to heal herself. I then also mediate the insight she needs to let go and not to go back into the negative. This is another part of my work - medicine woman.The shaman who knows, who sees in the dark, medicine man, priest, magician, the skilled in magic, a threat and a help. Throughout history we have had many names and many titles. Many times they have persecuted us, many times they have honoured us. But always the shaman was standing a little outside of society and was at the same time part of it. Someone who was not like other people. 
It's lonely here, I usually say. But it is not. Never alone. I am not alone. But few humans can understand how I live and how my world looks like. There are few people I can talk "shamanistic" with.Since I started shaman path consciously, I have changed. Changed many times over and over again.Facing yourself is transformational.

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